Hi Everyone!
Welcome to a great full body workout routine. This workout requires no equipment and can be completed with body weight. As always, you will find the full length workout video below.
This was my first workout back to HIIT after an extended break. I did keep up with some yoga, but definitely had a decline in my overall health and fitness. I’ve got some work to do to re-build, but I’m excited for the journey. Plus, I’ve noticed that every time I workout my kids also want to workout or stretch with me. It’s not just my health and fitness that I’m building. These little ones are paying attention and my healthy habits are helping them create their own.

I paired today’s workout with a mile walk on the treadmill. I kept it simple, 3.0 mph speed, Incline level 2. You can repeat the workout 1-3X or do just one round. I’m starting out with one round. As my fitness level improves I will start to repeat for another round or two, or add some higher intensity cardio after the workout.
My current focus remains on CONSISTENCY. Showing up on a regular basis for my workouts, week in and week out. Consistency is more important than having one great week, or two great weeks. In that vein, I’ve committed to keeping active on a daily basis with at least one mile of walking. This is intentional walking or other exercise, outside of my normal daily activity.
I’m re-training my mind and body to show up for my health and my future self. I love taking care of my family, and sometimes do so at the expense of my own workouts, sleep, etc. I’ve been reminding myself that my family also relies on me maintaining my health and wellness, so that needs to be a priority, too.
I enjoyed being back to filming and I hope you enjoy this workout as much as I did. I would love to hear which exercise you enjoyed the most and which you found most challenging. I found the single leg hip tap most challenging, but it was also one of my favorites from today. My second favorite was the Beast Heel Press.

Have fun with today’s workout and let me know what your goals are this year, and how you’re doing with staying on track so far. Let’s keep building our health and wellness together. I’m looking forward to the year ahead and sharing plenty of new workouts with you.
See you soon!
Member’s Workouts: Brand New workout videos available to subscription members at: https://www.melissabenderfitness.com/pages/exploremelissabenderfitness
The Workout:
Full Body Workout. No Equipment. Sculpt & Burn.
- Floor Tap Lateral Squat Hop
- Double Cross Knee Drive
- Warrior III: RIght
- Warrior III: Left
- Burpee
- Rock the Boat
- Single Leg Hip Tap: Right
- Single Leg Hip Tap: Left
- Side Plank Reach: Right
- Side Plank Reach: Left
- Beast Heel Press: Alternating
- Temple Tap Abs
- Heel Tap Jump Squat
- Half Moon Leg Pulse: Right
- Half Moon Leg Pulse: Left
Repeat 1-3X

I absolutely love this! I took a break recently due to a health issue related to my children but have since decided to stay active and focus on showing them that working out is important. It made me so happy the other day when, instead of playing with toys with their dad, they decided to join me and ran whenever you ran during a HIIT workout. They are 4 and 15 months and it was extremely fun seeing them do some of it (or attempt it) with me. Cheers to you and all you’ve done so far! I can tell you that your workouts and website have made it possible for me and my family to be where we are fitness wise (my hubby does your workouts too)!